Convert MOBI online

MOBI - Mobipocket

Format introduction Mobipocket SA is a French company incorporated in March 2000 that created the .mobi e-book file format and produces the Mobipocket Reader software for mobile phones, personal digital assistants (PDA) and desktop operating systems.
Technical details The Mobipocket e-book format is based on the Open eBook standard using XHTML and can include JavaScript and frames. It also supports native SQL queries to be used with embedded databases. The Amazon Kindle's AZW format is basically just the Mobipocket format with a slightly different serial number scheme, and .prc publications can be read directly on the Kindle. The Kindle AZW format also lacks some Mobipocket features such as JavaScript.
File extension .mobi, .prc
MIME application/x-mobipocket-ebook
Developed by Mobipocket SA
Type of format Ebook file format
Associated programs Mobipocket Reader

Examples for format MOBI conversions

MOBI to PDFconvert from ebook to ebook
MOBI to HTMLconvert from ebook to ebook
MOBI to TXTconvert from ebook to ebook
MOBI to DOCXconvert from ebook to ebook
MOBI to RTFconvert from ebook to ebook
MOBI to EPUBconvert from ebook to ebook
MOBI to AZWconvert from ebook to ebook
MOBI to FB2convert from ebook to ebook
MOBI to HTMLZconvert from ebook to ebook
MOBI to LRFconvert from ebook to ebook
MOBI to PDBconvert from ebook to ebook
MOBI to PMLZconvert from ebook to ebook
MOBI to RBconvert from ebook to ebook
MOBI to SNBconvert from ebook to ebook
MOBI to TCRconvert from ebook to ebook
MOBI to TXTZconvert from ebook to ebook
MOBI to OEBconvert from ebook to ebook
MOBI to LITconvert from ebook to ebook
PDF to MOBIconvert from image to ebook
HTML to MOBIconvert from document to ebook
TXT to MOBIconvert from document to ebook
DOCX to MOBIconvert from document to ebook
RTF to MOBIconvert from document to ebook
ODT to MOBIconvert from document to ebook
DJVU to MOBIconvert from ebook to ebook
PML to MOBIconvert from ebook to ebook
EPUB to MOBIconvert from ebook to ebook
AZW to MOBIconvert from ebook to ebook
CBZ to MOBIconvert from ebook to ebook
CBR to MOBIconvert from ebook to ebook
CBC to MOBIconvert from ebook to ebook
CHM to MOBIconvert from ebook to ebook
FB2 to MOBIconvert from ebook to ebook
HTMLZ to MOBIconvert from ebook to ebook
LRF to MOBIconvert from ebook to ebook
PRC to MOBIconvert from ebook to ebook
PDB to MOBIconvert from ebook to ebook
RB to MOBIconvert from ebook to ebook
SNB to MOBIconvert from ebook to ebook
TCR to MOBIconvert from ebook to ebook
TXTZ to MOBIconvert from ebook to ebook
LIT to MOBIconvert from ebook to ebook